Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Reading with Papa

Oh man, this picture was just too cute not to post. So we are in Albuquerque for thanksgiving and Hannah is having a great time with her Granny and Gramps. She was a perfect angel baby on the way out here but is having a little trouble adjusting to sleeping during the day so naps are sort of at a minimum. The picture below was after Hannah had actually taken a nap and her daddy was reading with her. I love it! :) She was also having fun playing with the kitchen set at granny's.


  1. That room doesn't look much like it used to when it was her daddy's.

  2. A-DOR-A-BLE!! what a cutie!! i'm so so glad she did well on the trip out there. sleep will never be the same when you are traveling so hang in there my friend! praying that you enjoy time away from "the usual" and are blessed by the people you are with. we miss you here in okc and are SO happy we got a bit of a hannah fix with these amazing photos:)

    kristal, ari, and noah
