Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Our favorite pasttimes are back!

Eating ice and swimming! I guess the eating ice never really went away, but its an everyday affair now that its hot out and we can go outside in the afternoons. And the swimming - i haven't really "opened up" the pool yet, obviously, so I filled up a drink tub and let them sit it in. Not my finest mom moment, but it worked. :)


  1. so cute! for some reason this reminds me of a nursery rhyme of three men in a small tub/boat on the water...i can't remember what it is, but they had even less room than hannah and isaiah do:) so fun!!

    1. Rub a dub dub,
      Three men in a tub;
      And who do you think they be?
      The butcher, the baker,
      The candlestick-maker;
      Turn 'em out, knaves all three!

