Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Back Home

Hannah and I made it back home safely from our trip to Philadelphia which was wonderful. We originally went for my grandmother's 80th birthday party, which was a hit, but I was able to see lots of friends and family. Unfortunately, my camera broke while I was there, so pictures are a little limited and I have to rely on other people for pictures that week. I did manage to get a picture of Hannah all dressed up for the party with my phone, which you see here, in addition to a cute video of Hannah right after her bath. As you've seen in previous posts, she really likes her bath. So this is an "after" video of how happy she is after her bath. (It's a little long, I think 2-3 minutes, so beware!). After I get some more pictures of this last week, I'll post again. I'll sign off with one last comment regarding our very long trip home. We left for the Newark, NJ airport at 6:45 AM on friday morning and didn't arrive home in OKC until 14 hours later. You might think that Hannah, who napped twice for 30 minutes, might be a bit cranky after that long ordeal. The fact is that my mother and I were crankier than this 9 month old. Go figure! :)


  1. oh my goodness...that hat is KILLING me!! it is so CA-UTE!! did she actually keep it on? she looked so beautiful. i'm sure it was the best gift your grandmother received.

  2. When we flew with Kinley, she only napped for 30 mins too, and that was WITH benadryl! Babies are crazy! I'm glad you guys had a safe trip.
