Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Locks Christmas

Well, Hannah had a wonderful first christmas filled with lots of family and presents! Who could ask for anything better. My dad came into town a few days before christmas to spend time with us and then Judy and Bill came into town on christmas day and were able to spend time with us as well! Here are a few cute ones of Hannah opening her presents and her cuddling with her Pap...good times had by all!

Monday, December 21, 2009

My BFF visits! :)

One of my dearest friends Karen came to visit us over the past fews days. Hannah was inamorate of her and had a blast. The pictures below are of: one of me and my friend Karen, Hannah sticking her fingers in her ears (we're not sure what she's doing other than the obvious of telling us she doesn't want to listen anymore!), Hannah and mommy after Hannah's bath, and then Hannah shopping with us and trying on a hat. Such a fun weekend!

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's going around...

Well, Hannah has been sick now for almost a full week. Not fun for Mama. We took her to the doctor today and he thinks it may be the Rota Virus. Fortunately, she's still been relatively happy and has been taking it all in stride. We definitely had a couple of mommy and hannah jammy days to cope with it though. (I was sick for a couple of days too, so we took it easy :) ) Here are some pictures of our jammy days and then a cute video of her looking through a book, one of her favorite activities!

Monday, December 7, 2009


just a cute pic of her on her daddy's shoulders a video of her cruising. Not sure why the video is so dark on this...sorry about that!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Walking soon?!?!

Between dropping her morning nap at 10 months and now almost walking, this girl is giving me a run for my money! :) Here is a long video (sorry folks, 2 min. it took her longer to pull herself up that I had planned) of her pulling herself up. Pretty Cute!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Crisis Averted!

So this isn't really much of an update on Hannah as much as it is a sigh of relief. I pride myself on being pretty savy when it comes to those crazy scams that people try and sell you on, never give your credit card number out over the phone, never give you bank account number, yada yada yada. So this morning, my electric company calls and tells me the online payment I did, never went through. (And I did in fact do an online payment) They then told me I was going to have a $40 late fee unless I paid today. I was so panicked that the payment didn't go through that I almost paid for it over the phone! The only thing that stopped me was my husband waving frantically in the background wondering what the heck I was doing about to give my credit card over the phone. In hindsight, I don't know what the HECK I was thinking. So anyway, he then proceeded to tell me that this scam was going around The Village, where we live, and Oklahoma city. So to you Oklahoman's out there, beware! I feel silly for even admitting that I was about to do something so stupid, but I just got caught up in the moment, so I thought I would warn you folks out there as well. To end on a more positive note, here's a cute pic of Hannah with her Papa! :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Home at Last!

After an 8 hour car ride home, the Locks are home at last. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in New Mexico with lots of good food (sopapillas! and a Thanksgiving feast), and family. Below are some pics of our visit. One of Hannah and I (isn't she sweet!), one of Ryan and Hannah and then one of all the siblings with their spouses or soon to be spouse.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Reading with Papa

Oh man, this picture was just too cute not to post. So we are in Albuquerque for thanksgiving and Hannah is having a great time with her Granny and Gramps. She was a perfect angel baby on the way out here but is having a little trouble adjusting to sleeping during the day so naps are sort of at a minimum. The picture below was after Hannah had actually taken a nap and her daddy was reading with her. I love it! :) She was also having fun playing with the kitchen set at granny's.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Off we go again!

This year we are so excited to be going Alburquerque for Thanksgiving. We'll be leaving Sunday evening around 6PM and hope and pray that Hannah will fall asleep for the ride. She's not much of a car sleeper but she's an even worse car-seater where she would have to be in her car seat for 9 hours awake! So, this is the lesser of two evils. Hannah will get to see all of her aunts and uncle on John's side as his whole immediate family will be there, how neat! So I'm sure I'll have some great pictures upon our return. On the downside, Hannah has another cold. Argh! As most youngins do, she absolutely hates having her nose wiped, you would think I was scratching her face with sandpaper. Anyways, I took a picture of her yesterday afternoon and this morning so you would see how sad she was! :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pictures again!

Yay! I finally got the cord for my camera so I can begin posting again! I've had some cute pictures of Hannah with no where to post! :) Hannah is certainly progessing along with her motor skills. She is pulling herself up on things and this morning while I was trying to get her to nap (although her morning nap is slowing dissipating) after about 20 minutes there was a true distress call. So I rushed in and she had pulled herself up in the crib and couldn't get down! The top picture here is of her new position and the other ones are just random cute pics! :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

She's growing up

Finally - Hannah is holding her own bottle. We knew she could do it. She's grasps, picks up her own food, holds her own weight in a bookbag (seperate story there) but we could not get her to hold her own bottle. We didn't know what the deal was. So, I'm at my friend Liz's house yesterday (who by the way had her son holding his own bottle at 5 months!!!!) and she is as determined as I am to get Hannah to hold her own bottle. She props her up on the couch, sticks a blanket under her chin, gives her the bottle and voila...hannah is holding her own bottle. Liz removes the blanket and hannah keeps holdign her bottle. Like she's been doing it for months. The little sneak. She was just testing us I think. Stubborness maybe? Not on the wilson side, she must have gotten that from John's side of the family (that was for you Judy! :))

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Visit from Grandma

My mom has been visiting with us for the past couple of days and Hannah has been having lots of fun with her. Grandma, of course, will do things that John and I would probably not do. I.e. this video. Hannah likes putting her head down and watch you put your head down. Over and over again. I started taping this about 15 minutes into this eating session and I think it went on for another 5 minutes or so after I stopped taping. Needless to say, John and I would have tired of this game after about 1 minute. Not grandma. There are no limits :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Back Home

Hannah and I made it back home safely from our trip to Philadelphia which was wonderful. We originally went for my grandmother's 80th birthday party, which was a hit, but I was able to see lots of friends and family. Unfortunately, my camera broke while I was there, so pictures are a little limited and I have to rely on other people for pictures that week. I did manage to get a picture of Hannah all dressed up for the party with my phone, which you see here, in addition to a cute video of Hannah right after her bath. As you've seen in previous posts, she really likes her bath. So this is an "after" video of how happy she is after her bath. (It's a little long, I think 2-3 minutes, so beware!). After I get some more pictures of this last week, I'll post again. I'll sign off with one last comment regarding our very long trip home. We left for the Newark, NJ airport at 6:45 AM on friday morning and didn't arrive home in OKC until 14 hours later. You might think that Hannah, who napped twice for 30 minutes, might be a bit cranky after that long ordeal. The fact is that my mother and I were crankier than this 9 month old. Go figure! :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Bon Voyage

Hannah and I are getting ready for our trip to Philadelphia, which we are both excited about! Hannah has been helping me pack, as you can see, and then when I told her how long the flight is (it's very hard to get anywhere from Oklahoma City) she suggested we drive! Although she looks very cute behind the wheel, I then told her how many hours it took to drive there, and she decided that a plane may in fact be better. In addition, I thought I would show a bath time video of Hannah. She LOVES bath time. You might think this video is in fast forward. It's not. It's real time. Splashing is just that much fun!

Friday, October 16, 2009

My project

So, probably the ones who are actually following this blog already know about this, but I'll post it anyway. Hannah needed a hat, mittens for the cold weather approaching and a sleep sack to fit her growing legs. I had some old fleece leftover from a project gone awry many years ago, so I used that and made them all! She was a wonderful model and it was fun to see what I could do. When John suggested I make the sleep sack, I thought he was crazy. But then I thought, oh well, I have nothing to lose, I'll give it a try. And the results were pleasing. I may not be ready for etsy or anything, but they'll do for Hannah!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Commando Crawling

So, I may have already shared this with some of you, but Hannah is commando crawling and is enjoying every minute of it. I have found my self having to vacuum and sweep way more than I would like because anything that is not nailed down goes promptly in her mouth. I've even found myself emptying trashcans on a daily basis because the little troublemaker will scoot so fast out of my sight to have knocked over the trashcan...and you know what comes next.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New Blog

So this is my first attempt at blogging. I'm not really much of a blogger, but my daughter has made me do many things that I never thought possible. So here I am, well, here we are. The final decision came after Hannah cut her first tooth today! I didn't really think it was mass email worthy, but for some of you out there (granny, grandma, etc) this might really be newsworthy. So I thought, what the heck. I'll blog, for Hannah's sake. And away we go...